I didnt write this tracker, but it is such a slick tracker and a wonderful and unique tool that i felt obligated to include a link to it from this site. In the top right corner, click the white circle to display a dropdown list of options. Fill out this form and submit it to the gulf coast council. Scouts can share the whitleys peanut factory online fundraising site at. The first name and last initial are the scouts name. Popcorn sale northern lights council boy scouts of america.
College scholarship enrollment form old north state council. For many scout families, summer camp andor other annual events. A copy of each paper order form used in the spring andor fall sale. Letter of recommendation from a teacher, educator or scout. Take your neighbors order and return with their popcorn at a future delivery date. The crossroads of america council and trail s end thank all the units and scout families that participate in the annual popcorn fundraiser. Washington crossing historic trail pdf william penn trail pdf. Weaver, whose family still controls the company, it develops, grows, processes, packages, and ships a variety of popcorn products for sale around the world. To view your units scout list, click the scouts tab on your unit homepage. Home pathway to adventure council boy scouts of america. Bucks county council, boy scouts of america 1 scout way doylestown, pa 18901 2153487205. What can this boy scout marketing prodigy teach you about. Trails end popcorn system website is where you will login to place your unit. Trails end iris gardens 2019 order form how to order.
Trails end system manual unit reference guide trails end. This completed form signed by your unit popcorn kernel 2. College scholarship enrollment national capital area council. November 8, 2019 this is cole, from national capital area, one of our 31 switchaday giveaway winners. The drop down menu will close and the next page will have spaces for various information. Letter of recommendation from an educator or scout leader 3. The scout email is the address that will be in the emails that go out to your recipients. Click on the order form link beside the scouts name to enter his order. This form should be submitted by the scout andor unit kernel. List playwicki commissioner list popcorn trails end prints popcorn trails end prints. The customer is able to select the products he or she wishes to buy from your product selection. Be sure each scout keeps a copy of his order list so he can deliver the popcorn when he gets it.
It is how they make most of their money for summer camp and other scout functions during the year. Popcorn take order form form only early commitment form scout sale. Use this to form the perfect letter to introduce the show and sell to a shop or business owner. Public popcorn kernel cub scout pack 108 pocatello, idaho. We make this a big effort so that we both leaders and scouts dont have to spend time fundraising during the rest of the year. The popcorn system allows unit leaders to track the popcorn sale for each scout. Sold exclusively by the boy scouts of america to help fund their programs and activities. We will prepare an invoice and return recommended for payment by bank etransfer or by regular mail cheque or money order. An editable form will appear with the details of the council user. Placing popcorn orders on the trails end popcorn system. Do you have an electronic copy or pdf version of the traditional order form. In order for your college, university, vocational or technical school to receive your scholarship payment, you must email the following documents to. Take order the most traditional way to sell popcorn. Handout fillable pdf gift card and movie ticket order form fillable pdf military donation receipt.
Money raised during the annual sale helps support the local units and the scouting program in the bay area council, including council operations. Pack 108 participates in the annual scout popcorn sales every fall. The weaver popcorn company, based in van buren, indiana, is one of the largest popcorn companies in the united states history. If you have additional questions about the trails end popcorn sale, please contact your unit popcorn kernel, a district pops team member or call council popcorn staff advisor, trey glenham at. Our trained popcorn staff and volunteers will help your unit plan and execute the best and most efficient fundraiser your unit has ever had.
Reference eagle scout fillable document eagle scout fillable application jan2012. The parent email will be used to approve the scout account. Take order doortodoor selling with a take order form. The trails end system makes it easy for you to manage all aspects of your popcorn sale. What happens to my scouts existing scholarship funds. Prize order sheet 2019 excel prize sheet prize 2019 order sheet with pdf format. September 12th first popcorn pick up and sales begin. Product is picked up by the unit scouts deliver product to customers tip. Instructions for creating an online account at trails end. Your purchase helps pave the way to adventures for the entire year. He simply recorded an online order and was selected as our daily winner. Your efforts help maintain our beautiful camps, fund scout outreach programs, and send hundreds of scouts to camp each year who would not be able to afford scouting otherwise. The popcorn sale is a way for a scout to support their way through various activities during the year. Click the order popcorn button at the top of the page, or go to the popcorn orders tab and click order popcorn 4.
This completed form signed by your council popcorn staff advisor. Ensure youth have order form and start preorder take order selling. This form may be submitted by the scout or council. Trail s end does not accept faxes, zipped files, or files over 10mb. August 1 st sale starts early bird brochures are in the mail so start taking orders when you get yours. Order popcorn from your council to sell and earn needed funds for your unit. Final popcorn order resources minsi trails council, inc. Enter your sales here click here to be taken to to retrieve your online sales information. Use the login and password page from your popcorn packet. September 12th first popcorn pick up and sales begin september 16th. Sign in, share your scouts page, and sell to be entered for a chance to win a nintendo switch every day until nov.
Jerry spent part of his friday night teaching new cub scout pack 42 leaders how to run the pinewood derby. Product receipt to check out to scouts from unitpdf. Click on the popcorn system link in the top right hand corner of the screen. This falls popcorn sale looks to be the best ever from trails end and northern star council.
Enjoy your popcorn so much that youd like to order more. The trails end popcorn sale has made several exciting new changes. Trails end does not accept faxes, zipped files, or files over 10mb. For each calendar year, all completed trails end paper order forms and a copy of the online sales report must be submitted to and accepted by trails end as verification of a participating scouts participation in the postsecondary scholarship program. Used for helping track popcorn sales at the individual, unit, or district level. The username is the name you will use to log into the scout account. Click the submit transfer request to complete the form. Trails end selling tools and virtual sales planner. Free app available fall 2012 o designed specifically for scouts o compatible with iphones, ipads and android phones take credit card order anywhere, anytime o extension of trails trails end ships orders directly to consumers sale automatically credited to scout o scouts can view sales on phone.
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